Visit Trinidad

Calypso History Month

October was officially declared "Calypso History Month" in 2002 by TUCO (Trinbago Unified Calypsonians Organization). Calypsos are a true part of our culture as a people. as it captures our history by telling our stories in song like no history

Chaguanas Borough Day

The Borough of Chaguanas will celebrate its 30th anniversary this year on October 7th, 2020. Usually an annual military parade is hosted to commemorate the occasion along with a grand street fest, however, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, celebrations may

Ogun Festival

The Ogun Festival celebrated in October, is normally observed by the African Orisa community with colourful processions on the streets of San Juan, informative lectures on African origin and diaspora along with religious prays, discussions and food. This year the

Santa Rosa First Peoples Heritage Day/Festival

On this day indigenous people of Trinidad and Tobago are celebrated as they have contributed so much to our history and culture. The Caribs of Arima are known to be the direct descendants of the original Amerindian inhabitants of Trinidad.


Navratri is another very sacred time in the life of Hindus. Navaratri literally means "nine nights" and these specific clusters of nine nights occurs five times during the year. The origin of this celebration goes back to religious text where

COCO Dance Festival

The COCO dance festival was established out of the Contemporary Choreographers' Collective in Trinidad and Tobago. The sole mission of the organization is to inspire, encourage and serve the community through creative processes and collaborative endeavours. COCO primarily provides a

Ramleela Festival

Ramleela Festival is the play of Lord Ram vs Rawan in an epic battle of good vs evil. In Trinidad and Tobago, Ramleela is celebrated annually in large open airfields in rural Indian villages for a period of ten days.

Caribbean Tourism Month

In November we celebrate Caribbean Tourism Month. During this month, tourism partners across the Caribbean celebrate the importance of tourism to our region under the recurring theme, ‘One Sea, One Voice, One Caribbean.

Divali Nagar

The Divali Nagar can be considered as the largest Hindu expositions in Trinidad and showcases East Indian music, art, craft, food, fashion. This exposition has its roots in the car park of the Mid-Centre Mall, Chaguanas in late 1986. As

New Year’s Day

New Year's Day 2021 will be a little different. No need for the traditional glam parties but more intimate social gatherings will be encouraged if at all.

CarniConversations 2021


CarniConversations presents an opportunity for industry leaders, worldwide to meet virtually, from the comfort of their home countries, to re-think and re-imagine the future of Carnival, and thus, determine its evolution.

Antillea Soca Series #3

Welcome to Antillea Soca Series, brought to you by our Gold Sponsors- Pizza Hut and White Oak. Come to Antillea imagined by Caesar's Army, where the Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles meet as one. Featuring house DJ Dei Musicale

The Art of the Whipmaster

The Art of the Whipmaster by Candy Coated Experiences Did you know that the Rope Jab Tradition travelled from India to Trinidad before becoming a part of our Carnival Celebrations? You can learn so much more about this Traditional Carnival


La Divina Pastora Feast

This feast centres around the La Divina Pastora statue (Spanish for "Holy Shepherdess") in the southern small town of Siparia, Trinidad on the third Sunday after Easter.