Visit Trinidad

My Trinidad with Jeanine Brandt, Miss World Trinidad and Tobago 2021

Jeanine Brandt represents us on the world stage as our 2021 Miss World Trinidad and Tobago. Jeanine is currently completing a Degree in Business Management and is also lead make-up artist and beauty consultant in her own Beauty Clinic. She has further ambitions to expand her business to include holistic health, including meditation and yoga. Her proudest moment was when she had a house built, through her Brandt Beauty Foundation for three sisters who lived in poor conditions in her area. She also has a passion for volleyball and our very own steelpan. Here, Jeanine shares some of her top things to do in Trinidad with us. As she partakes in Miss World 2021, learn more about how you can support her through voting online to help her reach the finals.

Miss World Trinidad and Tobago 2021 - Jeanine Brandt National Costume
Jeanine Brandt - Miss World Trinidad and Tobago
Jeanine Brandt Miss World Trinidad and Tobago 2021

Photo Credit: Luvo Cinematography


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Photo Credit: Luvo Cinematography

What makes Trinidad and Tobago unique, in your opinion?

We are a rainbow nation where every creed and race finds an equal place.

I am empowered by the cosmopolitan spirit and the all-embracing psyche of the loving people of my twin-island Republic.

We are a rainbow people exhilarated by our festival traditions, our multicultural heritage, our eclectic sense of style and our tropical joie de vivre.

We truly represent a melting pot of influences which allow diversity, inclusivity and creativity to abound harmoniously and liberatingly.

We appreciate our similarities but more than that, we celebrate our differences.

We are a multidimensional splendour, our ethnic mosaic, our Carnival exhibitionism and our kaleidoscopic nature.

We are a paradise people who relish our island lifestyle, for we live resplendently. As though we did in fact, find the secret to the elusive ‘pot of gold’ situated at the end of the rainbow.

Trinbagonian culture to share freely with the world – we are a plural society with a potpourri of elements and recognizing all wholeheartedly, without prejudice.

We are extremely passionate and absolutely proud of our one-love culture!

Jeanine Brandt Miss World Trinidad and Tobago National Costume
Jeanine Brandt - Representing Miss World Trinidad and Tobago 2021

Photo Credit: Luvo Cinematography

What are some of your favourite things to do and experience in Trinidad?

I enjoy being a part of the Greatest Show on Earth — Trinidad and Tobago Carnival. I look forward to Carnival every year! I love relaxing at our scenic Maracas Bay and also enjoy the outdoors. Hiking is certainly on top of the list!