Visit Trinidad

Destination Trinidad: The Island that’s Always in Season

From March 29th (Good Friday) to March 31st (Easter Sunday), the island of Trinidad will truly be a representation of a destination that is ‘Always in Season’.  This weekend promises to be a multi-cultural explosion of what it means to be a ‘Trini’. 

Often touted as one of the few countries in the world with the highest number of national holidays, this long weekend is one to relish for any cultural festival aficionado.  The festivities happening over this weekend and throughout the rest of the year is a testament to the love that citizens of Trinidad possess for celebrating our differences along lines of religion and heritage. 

From Friday 29th to Monday 1st April is the longest weekend of the year (outside of Carnival Saturday to Tuesday).  On Saturday 30th March the island’s Shouter Baptist faith celebrates its freedom to observe their religious practices with the Spiritual/Shouter Baptist Liberation Day.  This day commemorates the repeal of the Shouters Prohibition Ordinance in 1959 that prevented this religion from worshipping freely and with the passion and joy to which they were accustomed.

Sunday 31st March, Phagwa enters the weekend with effervescence and vibrancy and the colourful dye ‘abeer’ fills the air and recreation grounds and savannahs across Trinidad.  The festival of Phagwa, also called Holi, is commemorated by both Hindus and Non-Hindus and represents the beginning of the Indian Spring and the Hindu New Year.  The exuberance of Phagwa is one of its hallmarks and the festival is celebrated with dancing and singing.  The abir or abeer is a staple and is a vegetable-based dye with hues of yellow, purple and blue.  Thousands of celebrants usually start the festival wearing white and once the dye is thrown in a playful display, whites are quickly transformed into all the colours of the rainbow. 

In addition to these two celebrations, Ramadan is also in progress.  Destination Trinidad has a significant Ramadan community that engages in Ramadan observances every year.  This year, Eid-ul-fitr will be celebrated on April 10th.  Ramadan has extreme religious significance for the Muslim community in Trinidad as well as around the world.  Ramadan is a period required by the Qu’ran for daily fasting and is intended to strengthen discipline and restraint. 

Then there is Easter which is the commemoration of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Christian religion.  The time of Easter has connections to Carnival as Ash Wednesday which follows Carnival Tuesday is the first day of the Lenten Season which lasts for forty days and culminates with Easter Sunday (March 31st). 

Every year may not be the same with these festivals packed into one weekend, so mark your ‘Always in Season’ calendars for these dates in 2025: 

  • Easter weekend: Friday 18th to Sunday 20th April with a bonus Monday 21st April as a holiday. 
  • Spiritual/Shouter Baptist Liberation Day: March 30th, 2025 (Same date every year) 
  • Phagwa: March 14th, 2025 (This is a Friday so another long weekend!) 
  • Eid-ul-fitr: March 31st, 2025 (Keep checking our calendar of events as this date is subject to change due to the sighting of the moon.) 

Tourism Trinidad Limited continues to develop a voluminous calendar of events which gives everyone across the globe a reason and a season to visit.  We kick off the year with Carnival in February/March and then Jazz/Music Season starts in April to May.  During this time, there are a plethora of culinary events that showcase the best cuisine in the Caribbean.  July is considered to be Band Launch Season as all of the major Carnival bands each put on a grand fete meshed with a fashion show to give future masqueraders a snapshot of their costumes.   

August then ushers in Steelpan Month and Festival with August 11th commemorating World Steelpan Day.  The beginning of August (1st) is also Emancipation Day, however, this celebration starts at least two weeks before with a host of activities.  October to December is the Festive Season, where our religious and cultural tolerance continues to shine through with the Hindu Festival of Divali leading into a true Trini Christmas.  

So pick a date, come to the best island in the Caribbean for a multi-cultural and multi-religious experience.  Come to the island of Trinidad where there’s always a reason to visit because we are ‘Always in Season’! 

Visit Trinidad - Travel Guidelines for COVID-19


Pool in the Evening at The BRIX Autograph Collection - Hotel in Port of Spain, Trinidad


Pin on map of where Trinidad and Tobago is


scarlet ibis in Trinidad