Lime. Fete. Jam! Sunset WKN showcased an incredible display of our Trinbagonian culture and artistry at their various events, in particular at The Launch.
The Launch featured a range of enticing performances from DJs including DJ Private Ryan and Travis World to kick things off, towering moko jumbies wandering through the crowds and a well-choreographed showcase of 6 bands – a launch to remember. Bands featured included TRIBE Carnival, BLISS Carnival, Harts Carnival, ROGUE Carnival, The Lost Tribe and PURE Carnival. Future masqueraders got a chance to get up close and personal with the costumes as they were uniquely on display, for revellers to get a detailed look at the presented costumes. With the sweet sounds of soca to the dazzling artistry from each designer featured, attendees got a glimpse into Trinidad and Tobago Carnival, as we look forward to crossing stage and playing mas in sweet, sweet Trinidad.
Here are 15 photos highlighting Sunset WKN’s band launch.
Photo Credit: Tourism Trinidad Limited