Visit Trinidad

#myTrinidad Experience by Richard from Chicago, USA

We hear from Richard about his July 2021 Trinidad experience.

Though born in Trinidad, I grew up in Washington DC. Never really feeling I had a connection to Trinidad until my grandparents passed away.  Whenever I returned to Trinidad was for a short visit to see them. After their passing, I played Mas for the first time as a celebration to my Grandmother.  Everything Carnival was her passion. Pan, Calypso, Costumes. I met so many wonderful people playing Mas. I have repeatedly done so every year.
My Trinidad Experience by Richard - Things to Do in Trinidad - Views in Trinidad

Richard visiting Trinidad in July, 2021 / Photo Credit: Richard W.

My Trinidad Experience by Richard - Things to Do in Trinidad - Piarco Airport Port of Spain

Piarco International Airport in Trinidad / Photo Credit: Richard W.

My Trinidad Experience by Richard - Things to Do in Trinidad

Breathtaking views / Photo Credit: Richard W.

I have made some of the dearest friends that have taught me about my country’s culture and my own heritage. I am eternally grateful. Covid has taught me not to take anything for granted. The simple pleasures of Trinidad that most people take for granted were now gone due to travel restrictions.
I yearned for Maracas Beach, the taste of a Stag. Patsy’s aloo and shrimp at Maracas Bay. Sand on my feet… DOUBLES! A lime of any kind, zip-lining, 1919 rum, garlic sauce, pepper sauce. None of which I can get my hands on in Chicago. But most of all, the people. Coming home this past weekend was what my soul needed. Though I only had a small taste for a short time, it was enough for now. Trinidad, see you next month!
I must say I’m impressed with the protocols in place at the airport. Entry was a little longer but very efficient. Trinidad did an excellent job.


Visit Trinidad - Travel Guidelines for COVID-19


Hyatt Regency in Port of Spain Trinidad


Pin on map of where Trinidad and Tobago is


Digity Mud Volcano in Trinidad from Roundtripin